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The Planning Process begins with reviewing  the

Financial Planning Document Checklist.


Prior to our first meeting, we ask that you gather

the pertinent documents from the checklist and bring with you to the first meeting.

The first meeting we call our "Roadmap Discussion". We will discuss your goals, quandaries, dreams and even talk about your legacy. One important topic we will discuss is your budget. Unless a client understands how much they are spending prior to retirement, they cannot expect to estimate with any reasonable accuracy what they can expect to spend in retirement. Once we have a firm understanding of all of this, we will take this information, along with your provided financial documents

and get to work on the Financial Plan.

The second meeting will be the Financial Plan Presentation. We will present the various scenarios on how we can accomplish your goals or provide alternative strategies so your Financial Plan is a success.

Once the plan is accepted by the client, we will provide an email synopsis of our discussion, our recommended changes and a plan of action list.

We then will meet at least annually to have plan reviews and update

the plan as changes occur.

R O A D M A P   D I S C U S S I O N

t h e   p l a n n i n g   p r o c e s s

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